Rock County First Releases Its 2023 Spring Election Endorsements

March 16, 2023

Contact Information:
Rock County First, Inc.
Attn: Dan DeFore

Release Date:

Rock County First Releases Its 2023 Spring Election Endorsements

Rock County, WI (March 16, 2023) – Ahead of the most important Spring election, Rock County First Political has released its 2023 endorsements of local candidates seeking election. Each candidate  running for local office, across the county, received a letter and questionnaire to complete should they  wish to seek endorsement. RCF is proud to announce the endorsement of the following candidates for  offices throughout Rock County: 

  • Brian Nichols, Beloit School Board Ryan McDonough, Beloit School Board Tracy Hannah, Milton School Board Ed Snow, Milton School Board Heather Miller, Janesville City Council Michael Jackson, Janesville City Council Spencer Zimmerman, Janesville City  Council 
  • Marisa Voelkel, Town of Janesville  Chairman 
  • Jeff Bovee, Town of Newark Board  Supervisor 
  • Kevin Kangas, Town of Newark Board  Supervisor 
  • Thomas Kinkel, Town of Harmony  Board Supervisor 
  • Gary Selck, Village of Footville  President 
  • Kendall Schneider, Town of Union  Chairman 

“In our second year of endorsements, I am thrilled to see the excitement from many candidates in  seeking our endorsement. It’s a true testament to the work we’ve been doing and how far we’ve come  in such a short time,” said Leslie Hubert, Chair of RCF Political Fund and Vice President of Rock  County First, Inc. 

In addition, Rock County First is stepping outside the county boundaries to endorse a candidate for the  Supreme Court race. As the sole focus and mission of RCF is to empower and engage citizens to be  involved in and hold accountable their local officials, the RCF Board of Directors believes the Supreme  Court race will have far reaching consequences for local governments should the wrong candidate win.  Therefore, Rock County First Political endorses Justice Daniel Kelly for the Supreme Court of  Wisconsin. Justice Kelly has a proven record of adhering to the rule of law, interpreting the laws as they  are, and not legislating from the bench. Justice Kelly is the best choice for voters this Spring.  

Election Day is April 4, 2023. Early voting begins March 21. To see our list of endorsed candidates, and  hear our radio ads, and more, visit To find out more information  regarding polling locations, sample ballots, and to register to vote, please visit

Rock County First (RCF) is a non-profit organization (501c4) in Rock County, WI whose vision is to  protect liberty and freedom in its local communities by empowering the citizens of Rock County through  education and greater government accountability.  

Paid for by Rock County First Political Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s  committee. 


You can also view the press release here.

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