News Releases

Progress in Rock County!

Progress in Rock County!

In 2024, Rock County First took Ms. Yeonmi Park’s advice to “act now to preserve our freedom and liberty” and put it into action, locally. As per our vision, RCF focused all its efforts locally as we believe it has the greatest and fastest impact on our citizens and local businesses. As the only formal and funded non-profit, common-sense principled organization in Rock County, RCF provided the much needed community leadership while delivering meaningful results which we believe would not have happened without RCF. We are very proud of our accomplishments and the many citizens, volunteers and donors who have made a positive impact in our community in 2024. Now it is time to accelerate the rate of change in 2025!



Announcing the new and improved Spring Election Hub. The RCF Political Fund (RCFPF) has created a single destination for all important information related to the April 2nd election. Here you can find key dates, the RCFPF Spring Voter Guide with all endorsed candidates, six ways to “make a difference” in this Spring election, and an FAQ with key voter information. This is a great destination to share with friends and family so they can be informed as well. The Spring Election Hub is located on the menu at the top of the page

Six Ways to Make a Difference in YOUR Community

Six Ways to Make a Difference in YOUR Community

You can make a difference in your local community, and the Rock County First Political Fund is here to help!
The important Spring election is April 2nd, and you will help make it a success! Here are six ways to play!
1. Sign up for RCF Political Fund Super Saturday door-knocking events – March 23 and 30
2. Share important educational and financial freedom issues with family and friends, such as information on Rock County property taxes and school districts
3. VOTE, encourage others to vote in April 2nd election; & share important voter information. Print and share the Spring Voter Guide, & take to the polls (available on or by March 6)
4. Support your local candidates by volunteering or donating to their campaigns
5. Come meet the endorsed candidates in Beloit (March 6) or Janesville (March 13)
6. Stay in touch with RCF, & informed about the election by signing up for e-updates

2024 Fundraiser

2024 Fundraiser

The RCF vision is to ‘protect liberty and freedom in our local communities.’ With this as the backdrop behind this year’s fundraiser, the theme is “Freedom is Local.” We are very pleased to be joined (virtually) by Ms. Yeonmi Park, a famous North Korean defector. She will be discussing the fragility and importance of maintaining our freedoms.

RCF believes freedom is local. This is where our educational (quality education), financial (local taxation), religious (ability to practice one’s religion) and electoral (providing consent of the governed) freedoms are largely maintained. These freedoms must be protected and reinforced by our local county, municipality and school boards, which consist of the engaged citizens of Rock County.