Rock County First Remains Focused on its Mission

January 1, 2023

Rock County First

Rock County First Remains Focused on its Mission 

Rock County, WI (January 1, 2023) – Rock County First’s (RCF) Board of Directors remains highly-focused on its Mission and strongly believes the growing, citizen-led organization is positioned for continued success across Rock County in 2023. 

In 2023, RCF will continue to achieve its Vision of protecting liberty and freedom in the local Rock County communities by continuing to endorse 

liberty-and-freedom-focused, non-partisan candidates for local office (County, City, School District), as well as continuing to inform and educate citizens regarding matters related to local government. 

As a non-partisan, freedom and liberty-guided organization in Rock County, RCF empowers the citizens through education, knowledge-sharing, organization and community support in order to bring increased transparency and common-sense accountability to local government. Citizens of Rock County get involved with RCF because they realize local government has the greatest impact on their day-to-day lives via decisions made by local school boards, town and city boards, and the county board. 

Here are a few examples of our Mission focus in 2022: 


  • Presented a three-part educational series via speakers and content, on the current issues and challenges in the WI education system. This included providing informed speakers from the Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty, the Institute for Reforming (WI) Government and the Freedom Project. 
  • Other educational topics included; WI election integrity, countering mass shooter threats and local matters like the new county jail complex, to name a few 
  • The Watchdog Committee though its citizen-led researchers and oversight teams provided Rock County-centric information and trends on school district

scorecard trends, election integrity, crime statistics and taxpayer-related matters, while providing citizen updates and alerts on key local matters 


  • In May, RCF donated school supplies to local Rock County schools in recognition of Teacher Appreciation week 
  • For Christmas, RCF donated food and Christmas presents to needy citizens and children in Rock County 
  • RCF created a new RCF Youth Development Fund which will award grants in support of furthering the education and foundational knowledge of civics, in Rock County youth 


  • Hosted non-partisan local candidate forums for school board, county Sheriff and state assembly races 
  • Endorsed 30 non-partisan candidates for local office, 18 of which were first time candidates, and 21 of the endorsed candidates won! An impressive 70% win rate! 


It is important to note the RCF Board does endorse non-partisan candidates for local office but has not taken official positions on specific topics, to include the proposed Woodman’s Indoor Sport Complex in Janesville. Instead RCF’s mission is to educate and inform the citizens of Rock County so they can make their own informed decisions; as well as hold their local elected bodies accountable as they see fit. 

Lastly, without exception, any official communications from RCF will include RCF branding disclosure, as well as it will be communicated via official RCF communication channels (e.g. RCF Facebook or YouTube channels, and/or via the RCF gmail account). 


About Rock County First, Inc. 

Rock County First (RCF) is a non-profit organization (501c4) in Rock County, WI whose vision is to protect liberty and freedom in its local communities by empowering the citizens of Rock County through education and greater government accountability. RCF is located in Rock County, Wisconsin. The phone number is 608-313-5025. The Web address is 


You can also view the news release here.

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