Takeaways from the Spring Election

March 1, 2024

March 2024

While most of the rest of the world is racing onward to the upcoming Presidential election and all the mudslinging that will accompany it, I would suggest we all take a moment to look at the local elections just passed. I submit to you that in an environment where a great deal of information was available, local citizens made informed decisions. Many entities were made aware that they are, indeed, supposed to be acting in the public’s interests and not the other way around.

In Beloit, the school spending referendum was soundly defeated. Fifty-nine percent of the voters registered opposition to the plan. What should the takeaways be? Voters may have had Financial Freedom (Financial Freedom – Did You Know document) and/or Educational Freedom (Educational Freedom – Did You Know document) in mind. Certainly the voters are not against the interests of local children, but instead they want to receive the accountability from their elected officials they deserve. That was underscored by the Beloit school board vote which ousted the current President and overwhelmingly voted for a well-versed businessman as his replacement.

It is unfortunate that tax increases in the city and county arenas cannot be used to hold those officials to the same standards. Elected officials like to conflate issues like taxes and leadership. I object to that connection. Voters are smart enough to know a successful person and proven leader and put them into a leadership position. Where is it said that once the voters choose a quality candidate, the candidate can just abandon their desires for responsible taxation in favor of some lofty ideals which can only be afforded by those blessed with financial success?

I can only speculate but believe that if the Woodman’s Sports and Convention Center taxation were ever brought to the voters, they would have spoken out against the massive use of tax dollars and borrowing at the local, state and federal level.

It is a ‘reverse Robin Hood’ economy when self-proclaimed experts in what will benefit everyone, take money from the poorest in our midst and spend it on un-necessary projects. Don’t misunderstand this statement. Projects like the Woodman’s center, the children’s museum, the YWCA and others provide a wonderful community environment. But when roads and infrastructure are failing; when law enforcement agencies continue to express concern about staffing shortages; when thousands are troubled about their finances; the spending has to stop.

In four of six school districts in our area, it will. At least for a time.

City, County and State taxes are harder to deal with, because voters will have to choose candidates based on not the singular issue of taxes, but the issue of their representation. When candidates come asking for signatures on their nomination papers, don’t sign until you understand how they represent you. Ask how they would handle situations like those currently at the forefront of conversation. Ask them if they will agree to only spend what they have and stop borrowing against the future generations. Ask all kinds of questions. You deserve answers and with those answers, you’ll be able to select candidates that truly want to serve their constituents and not just get elected to be a part of a political process.

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